show #98: qarl is back!

former linden lab star qarl [creator of sculpties among many other things] is back outside of vr and all that but nonetheless mind-boggling stuff = an ai paint engine. enjoy the conversation and share your thoughts on the end of all human art: the origin of pikazo = neural networks! [and an interesting motherboard article on…

show #71: jayjay & uwa art curation [rerun]

jayjay jegathesan works for the university of western australia among other things in the capacity of a curator of immersive art, which is often made by people with a wide range of disabilities. in this interview which we originally aired in show #54 he talks about the empowering nature of a virtual world, especially in…

show #67: reporting on sl & getting it right!

stories about sl seem to be getting more in depth and nuanced – is the pendulum swinging back towards positive articles after the many-year-long hype backlash? do journalists [again] realize there is more to our world than playing barbie and ken? check out how our guest cecilia d’anastasio got her piece “avatar irl” about a transgender…

show #62: roleplay all the way

[***breaking: sl go is no more since sony purchased onlive on april 2nd & discontinued all streaming services the company provided. we address it in the show at the end & have former onlive insiders give more context next week***] harry potter inspired role-play: if that is your cup of tea, the ONLY place to…

show #60: oz + ebbe = full steam ahead

today on the show = linden ceo ebbe altberg reveals next gen vw secrets & director of sl engineering oz linden [at 35:25] confidently addresses educators at vwbpe. exciting times: detailed reading linkage below as per usual: – daniel voyager summarizes the main points of ebbe linden’s keynote – inara pey transcribes ebbe’s speech [how…

show #52: sl looks good today!

a fab reaffirming show with some second life enthusiasts from madpea games. that is it! enjoy: and now read on to get the gist: – our new sponsor maven homes – get a leap motion by telling us a bad marketing idea from sl [and read all about dragonfly on roadtovr] – news from daily…

show #48: always in season

what a show: if you like to hear filmmaker jackie olive explain why for her documentary about the horrific history of lynching of african-americans in the united states second life is the perfect companion environment, fast forward to 20:35 and get into it. fascinating stuff all around: read on friends: – always in season documentary…

show #25: sl11b

what a week [again]: ll announces a new virtual world is in the works while second life turns 11. the situation seems akin to a young family welcoming another child into the world while the first born is not sure if he/she should be thrilled or depressed upon this news. anyhow – jo and i were…

show #18: lindens are people too! [part 3]

you wanted more linden interviews and what are we going to present this week? yes exactly: a conversation with a linden who enjoys quality tv shows like “macgyver”! plus race-car driving sl pioneers…. ….and of course karl krantz who is tirelessly educating vr youngsters about a little known [albeit vast] digital universe: more reading material to deepen…

show #12: the proprietary metaverse?

yes we most certainly are discussing the facebook/oculus deal however maria korolov from hypergrid business is also in the house. she gives us a fab history lesson [AND advice for the future ] in regards to open source worlds and  leadership in digital platforms [is linden lab listening?]. this big hour is filled to the brink,…

show #4: the sky is falling….

the party is over and the sky is falling: cloud party was absorbed by yahoo & rod humble left a certain building on battery street in sf for the very last time… is this the end? or is this just the beginning of the resurgence of virtual worlds? well, we have one hour of audio for…

show #3: esteban!

yes we dared: we arranged, conducted and are now broadcasting an interview with the infamous esteban winsmore. listen with an open mind and form your own opinion. we are not here to judge, just to report. but of course esteban has not hijacked the whole show, just the title. for the fast-forwarders amongst you: the…

show #2: the legacy of osprey therian

alrighty, we made it to show number 2 and we are not off the air quite yet, we are in fact expanding our empire to stitcher, arguably the best radio-podcast-on-demand app out there, sandwiched between award-winning public radio programs & home-made podcast fare, varying widely in quality…awesome: just where we belong! now onward: today’s show is…

show #1: oculus + nsa + fitted mesh = ?

ok so we just recorded our very very first show [can you spell “yes we did”?] and now without any further type type [after all,radio/pod/broad/narrow-casting is an aural experience: put those headphones on and dive in: let us know what you think in the comments [btw you can download the show as mp3 or subscribe on…