show #105: gamer motivation demystified

fascinating talk this week with nick yee, psychologist and researcher  of why gamers [and slers] do what they do! you want to know why you are in sl? jump to the main interview at 26min to get the answer or get the whole awesome hour from the top: and below for the people who like…

show #85: vrla redux

the vrla summer expo was big and full of gear that thousands of nerds salivated over on august 29th in the los angeles convention center. does the fact that the huffington post and other media reported on the event mean vr has arrived in the mainstream or do we need palmer luckey on the cover of…

show #75: hifi

you may have guessed it [from the title i am sure] = we are in a different virtual world this week and as such we have on the show today a gaggle of special guests indeed including one philip rosedale in a sit-down interview conducted at an actual physical location. enjoy an overview of high…

show #69: the young person’s guide to svvr 2015

two days of goggle [NOT just google by any meands] madness in san jose: svvr2015 aka the vrexpo on 40k square meters at the san jose convention center wrapped tuesday night. drax & assistant were there for one day & got a good sense of the state of vr in 2015: if you have the…

show #60: oz + ebbe = full steam ahead

today on the show = linden ceo ebbe altberg reveals next gen vw secrets & director of sl engineering oz linden [at 35:25] confidently addresses educators at vwbpe. exciting times: detailed reading linkage below as per usual: – daniel voyager summarizes the main points of ebbe linden’s keynote – inara pey transcribes ebbe’s speech [how…

show #51: vr goes mainstream?

we are back, happy new year, it is 2015 indeed – possibly the year of vr going big & our first show features ben lang from the road to vr blog about what is hot and not straight from ces in las vegas, yeah baby: and more to read and watch while you listen and/or…

show #41: confessions of a lifer

on the show today we have a well-known and smart 10 year old: salazar jack aka justin esparza has been active in second life for a decade now and he knows a thing or two about what worked and what did not in a user-centric vw. lindens – are you listening? plus: dennis harper from…

show #33: tony parisi…again [because he is that good!] [rerun]

just as i finished putting the show together, guest tony parisi informed us that he has joined philip rosedale’s high fidelity virtual world venture as advisor. indeed perfect timing to replay the interview with tony from episode 26! enjoy & let us know in comments =  who should control the metaverse of the future? philip, tony…

show #26: tony parisi on virtually anywhere

tony parisi is on the show today, father of VRML and webGL enthusiast and he says: “the web is the metaverse!” soooo my second life friends – perhaps in the light of iOS8 supporting webGL and firefox [& chrome] being able to [soon natively] support oculus rift it is time to leave our exclusive club and…

show #17: lindens are people too! [part 2]

yes there was more raw interviews with linden lab engineers and we are airing it all. plus: vr news as usual and the beauty of fantasy faire explained. listen up [preferably on stitcher]: …and read/watch some more for context: – leap motion giveaway: watch the new TDF episode, find the answer and let us know…

show #14: philip > there thou art!

you guessed it: this show is all about mr.rosedale aka philip [formerly] linden and what he has been up to since going back to creating worlds. there is indeed a LOT of new shiny stuff to talk about. listen and learn: and now read some more: – leap motion giveaway [leave us a message on skype draxfiles…