show #9: SL GO

show #9
show #9

SL GO [by onlive] renders sl in the cloud in the most beautiful way for tablets, old laptops and every TV on the planet plus: we give-away a leap motion!

what more do you want?

perhaps coffee for us$ 1,50? ok then, here ya go:

now on to contextual links:

strawberry on sl go

– i am dressed as flufee trying to build…

– our leap motion give-away [listen to the show and the question and send the answer via email after posting on fb – before thu 3/13 10am slt]

twitch streams games from mobile devices in the future

project tango

sl tos legal panel discussion transcript

– ll reopends jira

– bitcoin exchange ceo commits suicide & bitcoin inventor being profiled in esquire

onlive is live [again!!!]

relay for life in second life = kick-off weekend!

– jo is visiting fort thüngen but still can’t stop blogging….

fort thüngen [pic by gustav von rosenheim]
fort thüngen [pic by gustav von rosenheim]

the drax files radio hour [with jo yardley] is a weekly production of basicdrax entertainment.

the show is supported by beth ghostravenragmediafrans charmingjoyce bettencourthumanoid animationsalfonso perferle,linsey carterkokoiamadpea prodcutions and joe nickence.

music by bd.

special thanks to marissa for providing the station ID this week.

contact the show via skype draxfiles, avatar draxfiles or email

35 Comments Add yours

  1. lokieliot says:

    oooh, one question that could have been asked was “is there a specific hardware set up they find is best to run SL on their servers?”

  2. lokieliot says:

    When is Second Life going to be out of Beta?

    1. Inara Pey says:

      “Around the 12th of Never, and that’s a long, long time…” 😉

    2. Jo Yardley says:

      August 14th, 2085, 2 in the afternoon, much to the delight of both users.

      1. draxfiles says:

        RL is very very much beta until…well….shortly before you kick the bucket 🙂

    3. Yordie says:

      It seems like the Alpha phase _actually_ ended around toward the end of Mark Kingdon’s regime. I’d say Beta should have ended when they got a clean version of V3 viewer. We should be in Production by now and people who pay thousands of dollars a year into SL should be treated as Customers. I suspect Philip Rosedale would take issue with this opionion, but I get the impression that Ebbe appreciates the distinctions. Just an opinion…

  3. Inara Pey says:

    Good show. Far coverage of SL Go, and good mention of the OnLive Go (which SL Go is a part) and CloudLift, the new subscription service (although SL Go appears broken on it when playing through the CloudLift app on my Nexus 😦 ).

    HOWEVER – I have to point-out the transcript of the ToS dicussion is *not* from the recent presentation by Agenda Faromet and Tim Faith. This most recent meeting was to discuss rights, fair use and the Internet in general, as a part of the monthly SLBA talks. I was at that meeting, but have yet to fully transcribe it.

    The transcript you are referring to is from the October 2013 legal panel discussion which directly addressed the Terms of Service changes.

    Now, regarding the Leap Motion giveaway – and being *totally* pedantic :-). Are you going to disqualify those who entered the Facebook-only competition (and didn’t win) from being in the SL-only competition. After all, if you don’t, you’re offering some people double the chance at winning over others, oh my!

    1. draxfiles says:

      Thank you for the correction in regards to ToS transcripts. And YES: of course FB folks will not be allowed to enter the SL-only give-away 🙂

      1. Inara Pey says:

        No problem on the transcripts; just didn’t want people getting confused.

        And the FB thing – couldn’t resist the leg-pull 🙂 .

  4. I apologize about all my heavy breathing. :-/ Great show though guys, very informative!

  5. Jerry says:

    I didn’t try SL Go yet, but it looks great. I also think price is the main problem. There are basically 2 main use cases. First people that have low end hardware and that are not able to run Second Life or only run it with low graphics settings. They would want a flat rate, a monthly fee. They would usually not be willing to pay by the hour. I think 19,99 would be a price that a large amount of people is willing to pay and the best solution would be to have that included in the premium membership of SL. The second use case is for people that just need to log in briefly, for example to answer some IMs or check something. They would be willing to pay by the hour, because they usually use their high end machine and don’t want to commit to a monthly subscription. For them the current pricing model is OK. Whether they are willing to pay 3 USD per hour has to be seen. The huge first group of users though is not addressed by the current pricing model. I really wonder what bandwidth and hardware really cost for OnLive, because I would make the service very cheap or even free during beta to see how people actually use the service and then come up with the best pricing model possible after beta.

  6. isfullofcrap says:

    On the bright side, OnLive asks for payment/credit card information as part of the SL Go signup. This will discourage bot owners and griefers from using the tool. So, good on OnLive for that.

    (Of course, they can always use the normal SL viewers for those purposes.)


  7. says:

    Great show again Drax!
    But I would like very much to be able to jump around in a kind of menu of the program – there are sooo much – and some time my time is limited – and later I cant find the “gold”……!


  8. Ciaran Laval says:

    The reason Second Life needs better adverts than bikini babes with machine guns was exemplified in the Mitch Wagner article comments recently, people don’t realise there are Orcs in Second Life, will nobody think of The Orcs!

    Brilliant interviews with the Onlive guys, really interesting stuff.

    However route should sound like root, beta should sound like beeta and if you two are socialists I’m sticking with calling myself a lefty, I have an image to uphold!

  9. Ciaran Laval says:

    Oh and if they are based in Luxembourg why can’t SL Go offer services to central Europe? Or is their Luxembourg HQ just their admin home …… VAT!

  10. I finally got the chance to listen to the show without undue interruptions. Great show, as usual. The actual input provided by the people behind SL Go should help dispel at least some of the misconceptions that were being (on purpose?) spread on the websites and social media most used by SL users.

    I’m not thrilled by the $2.5/hour or $3/hour pricing structure. Even though it’s less than the $4.5 we pay for a cup of mediocre coffee here (coffee that we have the “honour of”enjoying” within 15-20 minutes under utterly unenjoyable conditions), it’s so… 1998. The pricing structure could do with a rethink; I agree completely with Jo that a flat subscription fee (annual, quarterly, monthly, or even weekly) would be a much more palatable option.

    There is, however, a caveat. For streaming services such as this to really work, you need net neutrality. I can easily see someone using up their mobile internet’s monthly capacity within just a few hours of SL Go usage (and mobile internet is notoriously overpriced). Of course, this is beyond the scope of OnLive’s operations, but I can see how this weakness could hamper OnLive’s efforts for providing Second Life on-the-go.

    There are also a few other things and ideas that might improve the service, but I accept the fact that it’s still in beta, so quite a lot of things can change.

  11. Thank you! This was very informative about le sujet du jour…a topic that might be on SL denizens’ minds for some time to come. I’m willing to be patient to see how this all comes round (through beta to the other side) in the end. I did enjoy the view and would be willing to pay perhaps a monthly flat fee, but that hourly rate has got to go by the wayside. Too many people will find themselves pricing out – and that defeats part of the purpose: to increase the user-base and up accessibility.

  12. Masami Kuramoto says:

    Drax, your SL Go video on YouTube is blocked in Germany.

    Stop infringing copyrights! 😛

  13. Ciaran Laval says:

    Oh Drax, that reminds me, whilst trying to watch Draxtor Plays SL Go on my android via YouTube I get the message:

    “The content owner has not made this video available on mobiles”.

    I also got the message Masami is talking about, but only once, it seems to play happily now.

  14. eurominuteman says:

    This is actually a double-whammy compounded scam deal…

    – If you use this tool, you also get LL’s predatory August 2013 Terms of Service 2.3 with Vendor Lock-in + Intellectual Property Piracy.

    New World Note writes

    – The JIRA agreement terms goes a step further with predatory Patent terms…

    You pay a double-whammy to get your content + ideas ripped off in the final!

    This offering also violates EU Consumer Protection (Distance Selling) Regulations 2000

    Information to be communicated before contract formation

    Sellers: If you want to be compliant with eCommerce + Consumer Protection regulations in 28 countries use:

    Online Shopping Assistant from

    Customers: Report your International Complaint in 28 countries here

    and International Blacklisting with

    – Scam Alerts here

    It is a Buyer’s market, not a Seller’s market!

    1. Please remove your tin-foil hat. kthxbai.

  15. Yordie says:

    another great show… you are doing a great service by hosting these shows.

  16. The Client virtualization of the SL viewer, which is what SL Go has done sure does seem to provide a high quality mobile convenient SL experience as would be expected from this architecture.

    But regardless of the quality experience, as has been mentioned here many times, the general consensus from SL FB residents that responded to my announcement of SLGO on my FB page was that the cost structure for SLGO is too high. As such, generally Onlive should expect that because of their price point, they should not expect a huge uptake. Likely SLGO would likely only be used by those that have brief urgent time-sensitive needs to enter inworld (i.e. merchants & coordinators) or those that have a high disposable income (i.e. money is no object) which I don’t think is a large target market.

    I personally would have looked at a $0.99/hour price point that would likely have brought in an exponentially larger target market. Or, maybe even a flat-rate model.

    Nate’s explanation of how to get around the inability to save snapshots on local for SL photographers has a failure to his logic (unless things recently have changed), or he does not understand how SL Photographers operate (at least those that are doing professional SL photography).

    Regardless how complex the and ultra-high rez the inworld scene is set, when you save to inventory the resolution is reduced to a maximum image size of 1024×1024. One could only wish inventory textures could be much larger (for many purposes). As an SL photographer, I save to local not only to allow me to post process but more importantly, by saving to LOCAL DISK I can save images farrrrr larger in resolution (i.e. 5000×3500) and using lossless formats.

    So Nate’s explanation on getting around SLGO’s snapshot saving to local don’t cut it.

    Generally I think SLGO will attract a small niche market uptake but its pricing will not make it a breakout service for SL. Too much other competition at lower prices.

  17. This website certainly has all the info I wanted about this subject and didn’t
    know who to ask.

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